Children’s Choruses
Opera Idaho’s children’s programs are designed to encourage acceptance, appreciation and enjoyment of opera in young people. Founded by Linda Eustice Berg, the programs hope to enable students to experience a live opera performance first hand with professional singers, and acquaint students with opera terminology, history and the lives of great opera composers. Opera Idaho’s programs also introduce students to the significance of theater, set, and costume design in opera.
The Opera Idaho Children’s Choruses program provides learning and performing experiences in classic repertoire, and encourages healthy vocal technique for children through membership in a vocal ensemble. Musical education objectives are accomplished through weekly rehearsal sessions and performances through the year. Performances range from choral concerts to appearing in Opera Idaho, Ballet Idaho, and Boise Philharmonic performances as well as other venues throughout the Treasure Valley.
The Choruses
Kinder Chorus – ages 4 to 1st grade*
Mondays, 4:30 pm to 5:15 pm
Tuition: $225 per year
Angelus Chorus – 2nd to 5th grades*
Tuesday, 4:30 pm to 5:15 pm
Tuition: $275 per year
Excelsior Chorus – 6th to 12th grades*
Tuesday, 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm
Tuition: $325 per year
Con Spirito Ensemble
Mondays, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Tuition: $325 per year
If your child has already been accepted, pay tuition below.
Tuition must by paid by Monday, September 30.
Financial assistance available. Please contact Kerry at kerry@operaidaho.org for more information.
If you are having trouble paying online, please contact Krista at 208-345-3531 ext 2.
* age and grades are only a guideline based on individual child’s readiness.
Idaho ACDA All State Honor Choir
Use the link below if your child is participating and need to pay registration.
- August 26-27, 2024, 4:00 – 5:30 pm
- September 3, 2024, 4:00 – 5:30 pm
To schedule an audition, contact Kerry at kerry@operaidaho.org.
Kinder Chorus
No audition is required for our Kinder Chorus! If your little one loves to sing and is ready to explore the world of music, simply contact Kerry at the email above to sign up.
Is your child ready for Kinder Chorus?
Our program is designed for young singers who are eager to participate in a fun, supportive environment. Key readiness milestones include:
- Responding to their name and following simple directions.
- Staying engaged for about 10 minutes.
- Using the bathroom independently.
- Sharing, taking turns, and interacting well with others.
- Communicating in complete sentences.
- Separating from a parent or caregiver without distress.
Angelus Chorus
Our Angelus Chorus is for children excited to develop their musical abilities! Auditions are simple and help us get to know your child’s voice.
Audition Details:
- Sing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” in three different keys.
- Echo clapping (we clap a rhythm, they clap it back).
- These activities allow us to assess vocal range, pitch recognition, and rhythm skills.
Excelsior Chorus
For older singers ready to refine their vocal skills, Excelsior Chorus offers a more advanced choral experience. Auditions are a great way for us to understand each singer’s voice and abilities.
Audition Details:
- Sing “America” (My Country ‘Tis of Thee).
- Vocal range check.
- Tonal memory exercises (repeat notes back after hearing them).
- Rhythmic reading from flashcards.
- Sing a round together with the director.
Con Spirito Ensemble
Con Spirito Ensemble
Mondays, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Tuition: $325 per year
If your child has already been accepted, pay tuition below.
- Dates TBD
To schedule an audition, contact Kerry at kerry@operaidaho.org.
Con Spirito Ensemble – Auditions are similar to those of Excelsior, adding an option for them to sing a part of a song they know, a cappella. If they do not have one on hand, they may sing “Happy Birthday”, a cappella if they would rather. They will also sing 2 octaves of a scale on either solfege or on numbers 1-8, and finally singing back 3-4 note intervals back to the director.
Director of Children's Choruses
Kerry Calverley has been working with children’s and youth choirs of all levels for 30 years. Most recently, Kerry was the director of choirs at East Junior High School in the Boise School District. In the Boise area, she has been a children’s choir director at Trinity Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church, also co-directing musical theater productions for the singers in these programs. Previously, while living in Ukiah, California, Kerry created and implemented the Ukiah Community Children’s Chorus while also leading a K-8 music program at St. Mary’s of the Angels School and teaching music classes for Near & Arnold’s School of Performing Arts & Cultural Education (SPACE).
Kerry also taught in Lodi, California at Bear Creek High School and at John Muir Elementary, leading choirs at both levels and locations. Kerry is a graduate of California State University-Fresno where she has a degree in Music Education and Vocal Performance, also previously studying with a similar double-major at Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln. Kerry has been involved in various opera workshops, including starring in Menotti’s The Telephone and a Rhinemaiden in Wagner’s Das Rheingold, as well as leading roles in Wiz, Grease and also performing in L’il Abner and The Music Man. Kerry is a member of the Idaho Chapter American Choral Directors Association as well as the Idaho Music Education Association. Kerry has also served as an accompanist for various performing groups through the years.
Kerry is married to Steve and has 2 daughters. Allison, who sang in Opera Idaho’s Children’s Choruses for 3 years, is now a student at University of Idaho, and Kate is a student at University of Arizona. Kerry also works in real estate and is currently working on some historic home renovations. She loves to cook, entertain, play tennis, hike, and travel.
Children's Choruses Sponsors